
We’re super excited to share the new Cairn App which is live in the iTunes store

Cairn allows you to share your backcountry trip plans with designated safety contacts and shows you where on the trail (exact spots) others have found cell coverage.   If you become overdue Cairn’s server will send an overdue message with your last known location to your safety contacts.   Here’s some other cool features:

  • Download coverage points to your phone automatically so you have access to them offline. 
  • See your own coverage trail in case you need to call for help or send that summit photo.
  • Contacts get important info needed to make intelligent rescue initiation decisions.
  • Cairn lets you control how often your tracked so you can optimize your battery for day hikes or multi-day climbs.

Help make the wilderness safer by mapping cell coverage of exact points in the wilderness, points are shared with the community.


Views: 557


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Comment by Ali Alami on June 23, 2016 at 1:43pm

Yes, android is in the works.  Sign up here to be notified.


Comment by Todd Sauer on June 23, 2016 at 3:41am

Are there plans to make this available for Android devices?

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