About a year ago I read Ed Viesturs "No Shortcuts to the Top", in it he describes climbing all 14 of the 8000ers. He called it Endeavor 8000, the endeavor to safely climb the worlds highest peaks. This book gave me high respect for Mr. Viesturs in how he prepares, trains and his intense drive. I knew then that I would love to fulfill my dream of climbing a mountain. Now I have a problem, I weigh 310 pounds and live in Missouri. Those are two things that do not go with mountaineering.
I have always loved mountaineering. But, in my present shape I need a sherpa to get me to the top of the stairs, let a lone climbing a mountain. So, stealing the term from Mr. Viesturs I am going to start Endeavor 100. To lose 100 to 90 pounds and make a life change. I know this is going to be a huge shock to the system. I realize that there will be plenty opportunities to fail. I must take this challenge one step at a time, one pound at a time.
The end goal is to climb Mt. Rainier. Then.....who knows, there is no limit to what I want to accomplish.
Sorry if this is not what this site is about. I just need to get this down on "paper".
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